6 ans après le Dyson Design Award : que s'est-il passé ensuite...

Dyson Award, Innovation -

6 ans après le Dyson Design Award : que s'est-il passé ensuite...

Il y a 6 ANS aujourd'hui, nous apprenions que le premier prototype du gilet de sauvetage BackTow d'Oscar avait été sélectionné pour le Dyson Design Award, parmi plus de 600 candidats internationaux.

Au moment où nous avons appris la nouvelle, Oscar et moi étions assis dans un hôtel à Shenzen lors d'un voyage d'approvisionnement pour essayer de trouver une usine qui pourrait réaliser sa conception complexe. Je me souviens de notre joie : c'était le début de quelque chose de grand !

Avance rapide de 6 ans et nous sommes toujours là, TeamO a grandi. Nous avons simplifié la conception originale pour la rendre plus facile à utiliser et à réaliser. Nous avons finalement ouvert une usine au Royaume-Uni. Il était plus logique de le garder près de chez soi. Nous avons vendu quelques milliers de gilets de sauvetage à ce stade et nous lancerons bientôt de nouvelles choses.

Rien ne s'est déroulé comme nous l'aurions espéré il y a 6 ans, mais je me rends compte que ce n'est qu'une partie de la courbe d'apprentissage maintenant.

Les prix de design sont un joli coup d’ego, mais je pense que le sentiment d’espoir et de dynamisme est bien plus important. Nous avons toujours l’impression que c’est le début de quelque chose d’excitant et de grand. Nous avons hâte de vous présenter bientôt notre nouvelle gamme 2020 !

TeamO sera présent au salon METs du 19 au 21 novembre à Amsterdam. Retrouvez-nous Hall 3 Stand 251. Si vous souhaitez venir nous rencontrer, envoyez-moi un email pour convenir d'un rendez-vous : lauren@teamomarine.com


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99 reviews
Offshore 170N

Fits very well, I was able to make all the adjustments necessary to fit me. The instructions are good so read them. I have not deployed the jacket yet. I also have worked out how to attach the MOB1. The tether works as expected and attaches to the jack lines with the clips. All in all, I am very pleased and recommend buying this life jacket.

Good choice

Would prefere any EU shop, customs and Vat procedure is boring :)

Excellent lifejacket

I purchased this life jacket in January and, although I have (fortunately) not had the opportunity to use it in a real emergency, I have used it several times. The materials and workmanship are excellent and the jacket is very comfortable to wear, despite being an offshore jacket, which is bulkier than many other “coastal” items (the jacket has a light, a built-in hood and can easily accommodate a PLB). For a more in-depth analysis, look for the Yachting Monthly review published in 2022.
There are only two “issues”: the backtow system does not appear to be all that easy to be repacked if the jacket has been activated and the system deployed. The manual is not very clear on this and the videos on the TemO website refer to older and different versions. I hope TeamO will address this by publishing an updated video for the current system. Otherwise, it would probably be a wise idea to open the jacket and record a video showing how the system is packed for future reference.
The second issue is due to Brexit: if, like me, you plan to buy this life jacket from abroad, be prepared to pay very high customs duties. It's not TeamO's fault, clearly (they seem to try to keep prices low), but if you end up paying 30% more than the listed price, other products might become more interesting. Of course, you'll have to give up the backtow system as TeamO is the only manufacturere to offer a similar solution.

I had a chance to use my new vest this October on 14 days offshore sail. It fits very well no problem to wear it many hours and the materials seems good and durable. Considering my heigh almost 2m i would appreciate even longer straps between legs (always easy to shorten than other way). I haven't fall over yet but once it happens, I will write the second part of review.

Excellent Jacker

I agave taken this jacket and repacked it with accesories. It is comfortable to wear and easy to understand how to rearm and repack with a clever method of turning you around in the water. I've used it for one 750 mile journey and found it stood up well